Monday 30 April 2012



Alhamdulilah, praise be to Allah now I'm in semester 5 for courses of diploma in accountancy. This semester I got one subject that is known as public speaking (eng276) that is teach by Mdm Hartini. In this subject I have six (6) task that I need to do by individual and also by group. Public speaking is important because it give me opportunity how to speak well in english and also how to communicate with other by using correct grammar. Thanks a lot to my lecturer because had teach me for 5 months and now this is my last task which is blog writing. My task in a public speaking is as follows :

1 -Informative Speech      20%
2 -Persuasive Speech       20%
3 -Forum                          20%
4 -Group Discussion        20%
5 -Impromptu Speech      10%
6 -Blog Writing                10%


First of all thanks to Mdm Hartini for teaching me in this subject. Informative speech is my first task on how I inform people about myself that include my hobby, a, my family and so on. I don't feel nervous because this task is very easy when we just need to share all about myself. I need to make movie maker and this is one of my very sad moment because during this task, I god an medical leave about one week and when I make movie maker, it's lose for three time. With supporting from my family I do with slow and be patient. Alhamdulilah after that my movie maker finished and I can present my task.


Persuasive speech is about how I persuade people to buy my product. My product is all about shawl and known as RAUDHAH SHAWL. I choose this product because I like to wearing shawl and nowadays have many trends to use shawl. I need a lot of time for the preparation of this task for example make business card, power point, blog and so on. However I feel very happy because I get a lot of information when I make a search about shawl and I take opportunity to learn how to wear shawl in many kind. My presentation go very well because I had prepared in very well and  this topic is relate to my hobby.


Forum is like at a real TV when have a moderator and also panel. I be a moderator and my duty is to conduct this forum. I have four panel that is from my friends and my topic is about baby dumping. All of them give a good cooperation when I ask question or opinion. My friends do by them self about what they want to talk and latter on I will combine all of that to make a full script. After that, all of us make a rehearsal so that when during presentation we will not nervous and can see how our presentation will go on. Alhamdulilah, my lecturer feel so happy with our presentation and give a positive comment.

Sunday 29 April 2012


Group discussion is something that like MUET exam. Firstly when I sit together with another three candidate and I be candidate A. After that we got a topic about student criterion for working. I feel so happy because this topic is so easy and it relates to myself as a student and one day I also will go to work. I start a discussion and then continue with my friends. I want to apologize to my friends if I talk to much. I think if I talk a little bit, it will effect my mark because this task give 20%. I hope all my friends will take this experience for us to communicate well with other person.


Usually I want to be first when make a presentation but I don't know why when during this task i feel so nervous to be number one. Honestly, my feeling during my task is like i'm losing something that I love. I feel so cold, nervous and shy to speak in front of others. When look to my friend that had make before me, I feel very scared because most of then can't do well during that time. Maybe all of them  have a same feeling with me. I try all my best when I got a topic of my favourite songs and who sing it. Actually i don't like a music but alhamdulilah when I remember hindustan movie that I like, I can answer a little bit